Talking Race & Kids "Snackable" video clips from 2021

From the Talking Race & Kids conversation called "Drawing Across the Color Line with Kids," with kidlit illustrator/authors Yuyi Morales (top left), Grace Lin (bottom right), and Oge Mora (bottom left) talking to Andrew & Melissa, co-founders of EmbraceRace (top left).
EmbraceRace has been hosting free Talking Race & Kids webinars for 5 years now (preceded by mass conference calls starting in July of 2016)! You can watch those hour-long conversations or get a shorter taste from video clips we have started to post on YouTube. We shared this list of just some of the video clips from 2021 Talking Race & Kids conversations via our newsletter that was very popular - so we're posting it here, too.
To see more, subscribe to the EmbraceRace YouTube channel. Check out the additional resources and videos associated with each webinar in our webinar archives. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and webinar announcements to see what's upcoming or what you might have missed!
From WebinarManaging Racial Stress and Teaching Kids to Do the Same
- Having grace amid stressful times with Dr. Shawn C.T. Jones (1 minute)
From Webinar Moving from “The Talk” to “The Walk” with Black Children
- Ignoring discrimination against your child will hurt them with Dr. Riana Elyse Anderson (1 minute)
From Webinar Drawing Across the Color Line with Kids
- I didn't draw people that looked like me as a kid with Grace Lin (1 minute)
- When you make art, you get to decide what images are being shown or celebrated with Oge Mora (1 minute)
- Giving children the space to be themselves with Yuyi Morales (1 minute)
From the Webinar Violence Against Asian Americans: How Do Support the Children?
- We must teach kids about the model minority myth, its construction and weaponization with with Anatasia Kim (1 minute)
From the Webinar Breaking Down “Structural” and “Systemic” Racism for our Children
- It's important for kids' well-being to exercise their agency, to make change with Kim Narain (1 minute)
- A 5-year-old learns about structural racism with Michael Lawrence-Riddell (1 minute)
From the Webinar Using Books to Engage Young Children in Talk about Race & Justice Pt 2
- Approaching picture books as learners - adults and children alike - is important with Savitha Moorthy (1 minute)
- Lessons about using books to engage young children in talk about race & justice with Sara Rizik-Baer (2 minute)
- Teaching kids to how to ask questions about difference with Aija Simmons (2 minutes)
From the Webinar Why & How to Talk to Kids About Microaggressions
- Breathe, Breathe, Breathe! Talking WITH kids about microaggressions with Anatasia Kim (5 minutes)
- There's often not a "right" way to deal with it, but have the conversation with Stanley Huey (5 minutes)
From the Webinar Anti-bias Education in the Early Years
- "Black Lives Matter" in my preschool classroom with Nadia Jaboneta (3 minutes)
- Lean into discomfort and conflict - Anti-bias Education in the Early Years with Debbie LeeKeenan (1 minute)
- Anti-bias Education in an optimistic and contextual approach with John Nimmo (1 minute)
From the Webinar Racial Socialization as Resistance to Racism, the Early Years
- Responding to a child’s racial bias with questions with Keely Bibins (2 minutes)
- Who packaged me? Unpacking my own racial socialization - Elaine Mollindo (3 minutes)
From the Webinar Why and How to Talk with Young Children About Race
- Kids' self-identity and the book We Are Water Protectors with Nicol Russell (3 minutes)
From the Webinar Generation Mixed Goes to School: Radically Listening to Multiracial Children
- Multiracial kids' identity can be challenging for monoracial parents with Allison Briscoe-Smith and Ralina Joseph (3 minutes)
From the Webinar RaceTalk Among White Families Post-Floyd. Now What?
- Why White parents often think their own kids aren't biased with Nicky Sullivan and Brigitte Vittrup 4 minutes)
- Finding: Floyd's Murder Did Not Increase Talk About Race Among White Families with Nicky Sullivan (3 minutes)