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"The Fear Never Goes Away" - A reflection on being undocumented as a child by ER's Tamara Montes de Oca. Resources for immigrant communities included.


Welcome to EmbraceRace, a community for adults dedicated to raising informed, inclusive, and courageous children when it comes to race. Here, you'll find a supportive network of parents, grandparents, educators, and other caregivers – all committed to fostering racial literacy in the next generation.

EmbraceRace offers a variety of resources and programs to empower you on this journey:

EmbraceRace Early Childhood Community: Join our online community for caregivers of young children (0-8)!  Find resources, share experiences, connect with other parents and educators, and participate in classes and workshops to deepen your understanding of racial learning in young children.

Drawing Differences: This art program for kids (and their adults) normalizes conversations about race by encouraging them to notice, celebrate and draw differences without shying away from conversations about racism. It's perfect for home, school, or afterschool settings.

Rapid Response Research Network: Want to help researchers develop effective, antiracist interventions? When you sign up for the R3 Network, we let you know when you and your family qualify for studies by aligned researchers. It’s up to you whether to contact them and participate. 

Contributor Community: We count on the EmbraceRace community of parents, guardians, educators, researchers, children’s media people, pediatricians, counselors, and other experts to help us have this conversation and do this work. Meet some of them here. 

Reflections on Children's Racial Learning: The field of children’s racial learning includes practitioners of all stripes - parents, educators, researchers, children’s media creators, healthcare workers and more. Read all about it from people on the front lines! 

Learn more about our offerings as they’re rolled out by signing up for our updates